Have you ever wondered what causes domestic violence? Many issues have been identified to be playing a role in development of domestic violence among which we have been finding out is a lack of sex. Have you been underestimating your partner’s sexual needs that may have left your partner feeling resentful and angry with you? Read the following article to find out how people with a clumsy communication style contribute to development of anger management issues and domestic violence: https://angertherapylondon.com/anger-management-marriage-failing-sex-not-sex/
If you have been feeling chronically angry with your partner who has been depriving you from a regular sexual intercourse, if you don’t know where to start from and how to communicate, why not book a session? In a one-to-one session or couplse session you can explore your issues in controlled and non-judgemetal environment, you can set goals and try to resolve and reconciliate through anger management counselling. If you want to book anger management counselling session call Leona Sears directly on 07 505 124 933 and find more details on our contact page: https://www.angermanagementcentrallondon.co.uk/contact-us/.