I came to Anger Management Central London because I wanted to control my anger. I was asked to do this by my solicitor, my sons, my newphes to go for anger management sessions because I hurt my wife during argument and police got involved. When I came for my first session I felt confused whether to talk to the truth and slowly we started talking. I started opening up to her because she showed interest in me and her work. Then gradually I started opening up. Leona Sears is intelligent, knowledgeable, very active, proactive, taught me a lot. The sessions were very helpful, calming me. It was the first time I opened up to anyone in reference to my childhood abuse. Leona also identified my dyslexia and she explained to me that my dyslexia seems to also make me short-fused.
Aug 2019 Age 65 – 75 Anger Management Following GBH
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