Are you dyslexic and have you been suffering with anger management issues? Anger Management Central London has been receiving over the years many clients with dyslexia who have developed anger management issues.
The clients reported to have developed the anger management issues in response to a lack of support by school managements that provided a poor role-modelling to students, most clients have been also reporting to have been called stupid by teaching staff and this behaviour was copied by children. The dyslexic client then went on to develop a coping strategy to high stress usually aggression with anger management issues that then extended into adulthood and intimate relationship. In some cases the anger management issues escalated into domestic violence and running into difficulties with courts and police.
A chronic anger management issues can become unconscious and automatic processes and at Anger Management Central London the sessions aim to bring those processes into your awareness so you can control your issues better. Besides the ongoing assessment of your issues, the sessions also involve provision of anger management techniques. If you would like to read a case of client whose issues escalated into long-term violence and issues in relationships with women, please click on this link:
If you are dyslexic and have been suffering with chronic anger management issues please do not hesitate to contact Leona Sears on her mobile 07 505 124 933 to enquire about your possible appointment.