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Man having dilemma in abusive relationship

Abused and Loving Men and Women’s Dilemma

You have come to this page because of your persistent emotional struggles with anger management, domestic disputes, and concerns about abuse—problems that just won’t go away. You experienced occasional moments of anger, tears, strange thoughts of failure, and suicidal thoughts. You are starting to wonder if this is all for the best and if relationships should be this hard. You start to doubt both life and yourself. Is this how hard life has to be? Who would want me anyhow, is the grass greener on the other side, and am I getting abused? On top of that, you have no one to turn to for support as the circle of uncertainty and fear widens and the pressure keeps building. A lack of a solid support system because of personal reservations, or a mistrust of the counsel offered by friends, believing that men don’t do things like this, makes it all hard to open up and adds to the pressure. Man up, stop manplaining, and “suck it up” are some of the deeply embedded narratives in our society and that is why you are here.

As a woman you too have been subjected to incessant outbursts of anger, problems with anger management at home, and an unsettling emotional roller coaster that turns your life into a living hell, but you may encounter distinct difficulties. Your pals may be tired of your incessant drama. It’s possible that they have given you the advice to break up with your partner numerous times and have run out of things to say. They might even have begun to boycott you. You feel stuck, but you also think that you have to make things work for your family. You may wonder if it’s the right thing to do for your friends to tell you to split up with your partner. You have the right instinct. Nobody can advise you on what to do since you will ultimately have to live with the decision you make.

To Stay or To Go?

Living with someone who struggles with anger management will undoubtedly make your life miserable, regardless of your gender. Indeed, you will experience fear because your life is in jeopardy. It’s normal to feel driven to fight for your life and look for the answers here when your life instinct takes over. What are the correct responses then? Are you being abused? Without going into technical definitions of domestic violence or intimate partner violence, the answer probably is yes. Your feelings are your guides through life, and they led you here to research abuse. You may now wonder, if you can stay with someone who can make you happy at times but then has anger management issues and leaves you feeling abused at other times. Will staying ruin your life? The answer to that is that you should never put up with abuse for the sake of your mental health but it is up to you whether you stay or leave.

Counselling for Anger Management: Crossing That Last Hope Off The List

To help you clear your mind a little more, before you decide to quit your relationship, try to suggest to your partner anger management counselling sessions as a last resort. You proved up until now that you both failed to address the ongoing conflict and rest assured that the anger management issues won’t go away. The anger management counselling sessions are suitable for for those of you who aren’t quite sure that everything was tried to save the relationship, aren’t ready to let go of their partner yet and need to cross that last item off the list before deciding to end it because it was irreparably damaged. Trying out anger management counselling sessions, will make it easier to end your relationship and with few doubts, if you discover that your partner refused to take the sessions seriously. But, do anger management therapy sessions work? After reading a few testimonials from previous clients, you be the judge:

Contact Leona Sears Directly to Schedule Your Sessions

Leona Sears providing service in anger management counselling

Please do not hesitate to set up a series of anger management counselling sessions, Leona Sears (Follow this link and scroll down to learn more about her work history and relevant work experience.) can be reached directly at 07505124933 by phone or text on WhatsApp.

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