The aim of this article is to explain what anger management and depression management session is like.
What is Anger Management ?
Anger management is a session with a therapist that has an interest and is passionate about working with clients with past and current aggression and anger issues. Such therapist has also a training in anger management. In my case, I have all and also I have written a doctorate thesis on aggression in work context which I decided not to hand in and I decided to drop out instead. The postgraduate course had serious administrative issues, as such I am not a doctor but I am a practitioner and will submit the thesis elsewhere. In order to find the right therapist, check your therapist’s credentials. Check if they have a prior training in anger management and ideally if they have other counselling training, as anger issues can present with other issues in parallel, so you might need extra support. Going back to anger management sessions, the sessions like any other counselling sessions do focus on the presentation of the anger issues. The therapist will likely ask you, what anger issues you have, how long have you had it and how the anger issues present themselves. Your communication style will also be explored as well as your partner’s because in most of the cases the anger issues are co-created. It will be important to locate causes of your anger triggers. You will need to know off by heart what your triggers are and collaboratively with your therapist, you will design interventions how to manage those triggers and prevent them. In the sessions, you might do role-plays to practice new communication styles, you will be given easy and fun to do assignments (not written) to continue practising the learnt material and you will be given anger management and conflict resolution skills. It goes without saying that you will be discuss now and then psychological and legal literature with regards to anger management issues. In order to find the right therapist for you for this type of support, I advise that you either phone them and speak to them or read their reviews to get a sense and flavour what working with them might be like for you. If you want to read our reviews please click here:
What is depression management?
When clients come for anger management sessions, it is not unusual for them to be experiencing other issues such as depression. So the anger management therapist, like me, should also have a prior experience of working with other mental health issue and so try to consider checking your therapist’s ABOUT page to see their former qualifications and training. As long as your therapist has former training in for instance CBT counselling or any other therapeutic counselling approach, rest assured they should be trained well to support you also with your depression. In my view the best approach to be used for treatment of depression is CBT counselling and this is consistent with Lord Layard’s findings on it’s efficacy. As explained previously a therapist that has additional training besides anger management should be able to support you with more than one issue that you might present. When people come of anger management therapy, they can feel unhappy or depressed and so it is not unusual to work with both problems at the same time. If the therapist will notice on the assessment that you might suffer from depression or if you will complain about depression, you and your therapist will look for causes of your depression, the cause will be explored and addressed or you will work together towards resolving the causes of depression. Your therapist will also teach you CBT depression management that you can continue with in the comfort of your own home. If you would like read through my portfolio of former clients’ reviews that came to see me for treatment of depression my work with depression, please click on this link:
If you found my article informative and helpful, and if you suspect that you could benefit from anger management sessions but at the same time suspect you might be suffering from a depression and might be depression management in parallel, do not hesitate to contact me to enquire or to book an appointment on 07 505 124 933.