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The spoilt princess misandrist and outbursts of anger in a couple is an issue that has been affecting a few men in despair that sought support at ANGER MANAGEMENT CENTRAL LONDON. A gradual relationship breakdown in a couple regardless of their educational background and class will likely lead to a degeneration of either persons’ confidence that will need to be fixed. However, being in a relationship with the spoilt princess misandrist will take the ride on the bumpy relationship road to a completely another level and a complete relationship failure that is often beyond a lay person’s repair. This is because she is beautiful, she is powerful, she knows it and she uses it to her own maximum advantage and to the detriment of her partner who is blinded by her beauty, unaware that his physically stunning partner is on the inside a person who likely meets some of the criteria of the anti-social personality and narcissistic personality disorder. Both disorders have been linked to category of people who are often linked to bullying which is essentially aggression (Sears, 2013).


The anti-social personality disorder is commonly referred to in the media as psychopath. The people with the anti-social personality disorder in lay terms are people who disregard the law and often commit a crime. If you are being often insulted, financially exploited or defrauded, physically violated and emotionally manipulated, harassed it is likely that your princess misandrist could meet the criteria of the anti-social personality disorder for the before mentioned offences are criminally offences according to the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. The social psychology studies uncovered a long-time ago a human bias towards attractive people in adults and children as young as toddlers (please see social psychology studies). It simply means that some of us get carried away with someone’s beauty and empty words we need to hear instead of focusing on gathering the evidence to see if what we are being told is the truth. It gets more complicated and confusing for men who carry the social pressure of having to be strong, protectors and providers and not weak and could feel emasculated, ashamed and confused about where to draw the line at.


But who is the spoilt princess misandrist that is the root of the anger management issues that drove a few men into bankruptcy, issues with police and court orders and who sought support at the Anger Management Central London? The spoilt princess misandrist could likely be a woman with past trauma issues who was raised not only in emotionally deprived family environment and is chronically angry and resentful but who could also have been born into poverty. The name misandrist implies a dislike of, hatred and prejudice against men this would mean that she likely had ran into difficulties with men directly or indirectly and developed a profound biased beliefs of hatred towards them. These believes are not statistically valid because to assume that all men are bad is wrong but these believes could serve her to justify and maintain her overcompensatory coping strategies to never ever be poor or abused again to the detriment of her provider who feels unappreciated and exploited. These overcompensatory coping strategies are essentially a self-protections and coping mechanisms to never ever experience the pain and poverty again or to feel abused again and are encapsulated within the anti-social personality and narcissistic personality disorders. The coping strategies are important for our survival, the strategies acquired by people with anti-social personality and narcissistic personality disorders who go on hurting innocent people or animals deliberately are deeply flawed and will require and a long-term therapy. Some studies on anti-social personality disorder and criminal mind suggest that such people either lack empathy or have high level of empathy and enjoy hurting others.


Our coping strategies are deeply meaningful to us and sometimes our society or our partners enable and maintain these maladaptive coping strategies for us. It is only when the bad outweighs the good that we might review our life, our coping strategies and we might consider whether we would be willing to make some changes. So if you are spoiling your princess misandrist and the good outweighs the bad what makes you think that she would reconsider to change? You feel abused, taken for granted, unappriciated – so, how will you fix this? If you are fed up and she feels ashamed to go through therapy and because a majority of our issues are often co-created maybe you could consider changing yourself via therapy and through perseverance and focused firm attitude, only then she might have to adopt to your new behaviour and will change. If you would like to discuss or suspect that your princess might be a misandrist and you would like to try to fix the outburst in a couple or receive some support please do not hesitate to contact me on 07 505 124 933.

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